Configure Ticket Notifications

In this article, you will learn how to set up Emergency, Rush, and Late Ticket Notifications for 811 accounts in the UtiliSync Admin app. Only a user with admin access can set up this functionality.


  1. Open the Admin app and select the 811 Accounts tab.
  2. Tap on the Notifications button for the account you want to work on.

  1. Select the type of notifications you would like each user in your organization to receive using the checkboxes. These notifications will be sent for every ticket of the specified type, regardless of the day or time the ticket was created. If you would like to set up more customized notifications, please see this article: Create Workflows.

  1. Be sure to click on the Save Notifications button when you are finished.

Success! You can now configure Emergency, Rush, and Late Ticket Notifications.

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