Update an 811 Utility Locate Request Ticket

This article describes how to update a locate request ticket.

If you submitted a form for a 811 utility locate request ticket and you need to update something (e.g. "Ticket Resolution", photos, notes), then you will need to submit a new form with the correct information. 

Follow the instructions below to update the ticket.


  1. This may confuse the excavator as they will receive the original response and then an updated response. You may want to explain in the notes that the update is the correct version of the completed ticket.
  2. The updated response will not be sent for accounts that are configured to work with Colorado811 or Miss Utility (Delaware). Those one-call centers will only accept the first response submitted and will not update based on subsequent form submissions. You will need to reach out to both the call center and the excavator to resolve ticket updates for those states.


  1. Find the closed ticket that you want to update.
  2. Open the Log tab in the Ticket Info panel.

  3. Select the Clipboard icon for the most recent version of the Locate Request form.

  4. The Locate Request form will open in the center of the screen, click Edit.

  5. Edit the form as needed.
  6. Select Clear Ticket.

Success! You have updated the ticket.

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