March 2024

What a whirlwind the beginning of 2024 has been! We're still buzzing from all the connections we made during and after our webinar. Seriously, getting to chat with all of you amazing customers has been the highlight of our year so far.

We've always been focused on improving our apps based on your feedback. But, the energy we've gotten from partnering with our Inspect app beta testers and hearing from our customers about our new Photos app has been off the charts! It's like rocket fuel for our creativity. You’re not too late if you want to schedule a short meeting with our team, we’re eager to hear how UtiliSync Photos would help you best.

We want to give a big shoutout to everyone who's collaborated with us to make our apps the best they can be. We're so grateful for your input and support. Together, we're shaping the future of our apps, and we couldn't do it without you.

Product Updates ✨

New Data Utilities Tab in the Admin app

We're excited to introduce a valuable addition to the Admin app: a new Tab designed to streamline the process of updating your utilities. This Tab is specifically tailored to address the challenges that arise when object or global IDs within a feature service are modified, potentially leaving data on associated sites orphaned. Our tool simplifies the process of getting the forms back on the correct sites. By providing both the old and new object/global IDs, you can seamlessly reconnect the forms to the sites. 

The Feature Service Conversion tool further automates the rather complicated process of converting a feature service layer into a UtiliSync layer. With our tool, you have the flexibility to select the GIS fields you wish to convert, leaving us to handle all the intricate tasks behind the scenes.

Data Utility Tools Learn more →

Pro Tip 🦾

The Hard-Working Email UtiliBot

This month, we're highlighting the Email UtiliBot, a handy tool that operates behind the scenes. Whether you're using UtiliSync Inspect or UtiliSync TMS, setting up an Email UtiliBot for your form is a one-time task. Once configured, it consistently sends emails with the form PDF attached each time a form is submitted. This ensures that those who require the latest inspection results promptly receive them, and excavators waiting for utility markings are immediately informed when the task is completed. If you weren't aware of the customization options available for your Email UtiliBot, we highly recommend checking out the article below for more information.

Edit Form Email UtiliBot Learn more →

Customer Love 🗣️

"I like UtiliSync because of their easy integration with ArcGIS Enterprise."

A UtiliSync TMS and Admin user in Michigan

What’s Next? 📷

UtiliSync Photos offers seamless photo and video management by automatically mapping and organizing the files by location, enhancing productivity and scalability. It transforms interactions with photos, providing insightful data and turning images into actionable intelligence. With UtiliSync Photos, save time by eliminating manual photo saving and searching through its mapping feature, while ensuring peace of mind with scalable storage solutions. Leveraging location-based data, it empowers users to discover trends and patterns, making photo management efficient and empowering, rather than overwhelming.

Our legacy app ( will be discontinued on March 31, 2024. If you are using the legacy app, start using the new Inspect app ( today! Transitioning to the new app is as simple as signing in using the new link. All your data will be there ready and waiting for you!

Note: if your organization uses ArcGIS Enterprise to sign in to UtiliSync, a GIS admin will need to add a redirect URI before you can use the new app. See this help article for instructions, or reach out to support ( for help with this.

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