Customize Info Panel UtiliSync Fields

In this article, you will learn how to customize the Info Panel UtiliSync fields (see image below) that show in and These customizations can only be created by a user with admin permissions in


  1. Sign in to the admin app at
  2. Open the Layers tab in the Navigation (three lines) Panel.
  3. Select the Layer you would like to customize. *NOTE - You can customize the fields in any UtiliSync or ArcGIS Feature Service Layer.
  4. In the Layer Details menu, select UTILISYNC FIELDS.

  1. Using this list of your UtiliSync Fields, you can order, hide, or organize the fields into sections using the instructions below.

  • To order the fields, click, hold, and drag them by the double row of dots to the left of the field name.
  • To hide the fields, either check the checkbox then click on MAKE FIELDS HIDDEN (this is useful when hiding multiple fields at once), or click on the More Options (three-dot) menu to the right of the field and select Hide UtiliSync Field.
  • To organize the fields into sections, first create a section by clicking on +ADD SECTION LABEL and give the section a name. Next, click, hold, and drag the Section Label until it is placed above the fields you want to be included in that section. Repeat to add more sections.

  1. Once you have finished customizing your UtiliSync Fields, be sure to click on the Return to UtiliBot button and then Save Layer. Your organization's users will see those changes once they refresh their Docs and TMS apps.

Success! You can now customize your UtiliSync Fields on your layers in UtiliSync.

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