Complete a Task

This article explains how to complete a Task in the UtiliSync Inspect app. Anyone with or without UtiliSync licensing can respond to Tasks using the UtiliSync app.


  1. Gain access to a site through an email link adding you as a Site Contact or by entering your email at For full instructions, see this article: Access a Site.
  2. After clicking on the site link, you will be taken directly to the Site Info page.
  3. In the Tasks dialog, there is a list of the Tasks that are assigned to you in descending order by date. Tap on the Calendar button for the task you want to complete.

  1. A panel will open with the details of the task to be completed at the top and a field for your response at the bottom.
  2. If you would like to add any photos to your response, there is a space for that as well.
  3. When your response is complete, tap on the Submit button.

Success! You can now Complete a Task that has been assigned to you in UtiliSync.

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