Manage Action Items for MS4's

In this article, you will learn how to manage the Action Items that your organization has assigned to contractors using the UtiliSync Inspect app. UtiliSync has two ways to give you information about Action Items. If you click on a site on the map, you can see all Action Item information for that site. If you use the Action Items page, you get an interactive list of all assigned Action Items for all sites.

Instructions From a Site on the Map

  1. First, select a site on the map. In the info panel that opens, select Tasks.
  2. You will get a list of all OpenAction Items for that site. Hint: If a contractor has informed you that they have sent you an action item to review and it is marked as Open in your list, you need to refresh your list and then you will have a current status for all Action Items.
  3. Select the Status text Ready for Review to see all information (text and photos) that the contractor has added to the Action Item.
  4. Select Reject or Accept and Close.

Instructions From the Action Items Page 

  1. Select the Action Items page from the left side info panel and you will see all of the Action Items that have been assigned by your organization. 
  2. At the top of your screen, you can choose to see either all Open or all Closed Action Items. 
  3. Select the desired Action Item by clicking anywhere on the correct line to view the details. 
  4. If the Action Item is Open, you can edit the fields, add a response, or add a photo.
  5. If the Action Item is Closed, you can view, but not edit, all details of the assignment and the response entered by the contractor.
  6. If the Action Item is Ready for Review, you can view or edit the fields in the Action Item and view the response from the contractor. You can also Reject or Accept and Close the Action Item.

Success! You now know two ways to access the Action Items assigned by your organization.

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