Populate the Text Info Field in a Form

When using the Form Builder in the UtiliSync Admin app, once you have added a field to a form, you can customize the settings for that field in the panel on the right side of the screen. In this article, you will learn how to populate the Text Info field. You can put long statements such as disclaimers or specific instructions in Text Info fields, they are never editable by the users.


  1. Click on a Text Info field to open the field settings panel on the right.
  2. Click on the pencil icon at the top of the panel to add or edit the text in this field.

  1. In the Edit Text box that will appear in the center of the screen, you can enter, format, and edit your text.
  2. When you are finished, click on the Save Text button.
  3. Each setting available will be explained in a separate article. 
  4. Remember to click on the Update Item button when you have finished customizing the settings.

Success! You can now populate a Text Info field in a form.

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