Customize Settings for Photo and File​ Fields in a Form

When using the Form Builder in the UtiliSync Admin app, once you have added a field to a form, you can customize the settings for that field in the box on the right side of the screen. In this article, you will learn how to customize the settings that will be available in a Photo or File field. The images below only show the settings box on the right of the screen.


  1. The Photo field allows restrictions on the number and size of photos that your users may attach to the form.
  2. Another optional setting is the Maximum Width/Height of Photo. Click on the line to type in this field.
  3. The Show Description setting is unique to the Photo and File fields in the Form Builder. The default setting is to show the user's description. You can use the circle toggle switch to turn it off if you don't want your users' descriptions of their photos and files to be visible.

  1. The remaining settings are available for many types of form fields and will be described in separate articles.
  2. Remember to click on the Update Item button when you have finished customizing the settings.

Success! You can now customize the settings in a File or Photo form field.

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